ChoReha (a) in beech, lying surface 100x200 cm, colour accent natural, four-leaf folding door lockable on both sides with SAVI lock IV and new door locking system "easy close", side rail height 40 cm, fixed paddingall round in cream, lying height 41-76 cm, electric height adjustment, four-wheel chassis with total brake (plastic), Trendelenburg function

ChoReha (a) in beech, lying surface 120x200 cm, colour accent natural, four-leaf folding door lockable with SAVI lock II and new door locking system "easy close", side rail height 40 cm, fixed upholstery all round in cream, lying height 41-76 cm, electric height adjustment, four-wheel chassis with total locking device (plastic)

ChoReha (a) in beech, lying surface 90x200 cm, colour accent natural, folding sliding door lockable on both sides with SAVI lock IV, side rail height 40 cm, fixed upholstery all round and edge padding in blue, lying height 41-76 cm, electric height adjustment, four-wheel chassis with total brake